ASP.. NET MVC开发人员职位描述模板

ASP.. NET MVC是一种通用技术, used for developing everything from small websites to enterprise web applications. An ASP.. NET MVC开发人员应该精通其中的一个 .NET languages—C# or Visual Basic—but an experienced developer should also be familiar with different server-side and client-side technologies and frameworks.


ASP.. NET MVC是一种通用技术, used for developing everything from small websites to enterprise web applications. An ASP.. NET MVC开发人员应该精通其中的一个 .NET languages—C# or Visual Basic—but an experienced developer should also be familiar with different server-side and client-side technologies and frameworks.

Writing a good job description and job advertisement for an ASP.NET MVC developer requires that you emphasize your project’s specific technologies and frameworks. 当你在寻找一个ASP.NET MVC开发人员来填补特定的职位, you need to specify the set of technologies used in your applications, because ASP.NET MVC applications can be deployed to different operating systems, environments, and RDBMSs or ORMs. 您甚至需要指定ASP的确切版本.. NET MVC在您的项目中使用.NET MVC 5 or ASP.NET Core MVC). 对于新项目,最新版本通常更可取.

本文将为您提供一个示例ASP.NET MVC developer job description that will help you write a perfect job ad, and ensure that you easily find and hire the person that matches your specific criteria.

ASP.. NET MVC开发人员-职位描述和广告模板


Company Introduction

{{写一段简短而醒目的关于你公司的文字. Make sure to provide information about the company’s culture, perks, and benefits. Mention office hours, 远程工作的可能性, and everything else that you think makes your company interesting. }}

Job Description

我们正在寻找ASP.NET MVC developer that will be able to develop and support existing applications. The main scope of work will include everything from back-end to client-side code, 使用最优和高效的技术, frameworks, and patterns. Your primary responsibilities will be to design and develop these applications. Therefore, 你有解决问题的能力是很重要的, solution design, 以及高质量的编码.


  • 交付高质量的应用程序
  • 与前端开发人员集成 {{ if applicable }}
  • 确保所需的性能水平
  • 编写测试支持的服务器端代码
  • 分析需求并设计新功能
  • 支持和修复现有功能
  • Selecting and using the most appropriate and efficient technologies for a particular application
  • 设计和构建应用层
  • {{在这里添加任何其他相关职责}}


  • Proficiency in {{c# | Visual Basic,取决于具体项目}}
  • Experience using .NET {{ 4.5+ | Core }}
  • 开发经验 {{ ASP.NET MVC | ASP.NET Core MVC }} applications
  • Senior knowledge of {{实体框架.* | EF Core | NHibernate | ADO.NET }}
  • 精通 {{MSSQL | MySQL | Oracle |其他RDBMS}}
  • 数据库设计包括索引和数据完整性 {{如果需要RDBMS}}
  • Dependency injection pattern and IoC containers using at least one of: Autofac, Unity, Ninject, and/or SimpleIoc
  • Writing tests with {{NUnit | XUnit | MSTest}}
  • 实现企业应用程序模式 {{如果需要高级开发人员}}
  • 了解HTML, JS和CSS
  • 熟悉客户端框架 {{jQuery | Angular 1.* | Angular 2.*+ | React | other}}
  • Familiarity with {{剑道UI | DevExpress | Syncfusion}} is a plus {{ if applicable }}
  • 集成web分析工具 {{特别是Google分析-如果适用的话}}
  • Familiarity with {{Azure Web应用程序| AWS云-如果适用}}
  • {{确保提及任何其他框架, libraries, 或其他与您的项目相关的技术}}
  • {{ List any education level or certification you may require }}
See also:Toptal不断增长的社区驱动列表 essential MVC面试问题

Recent ASP.. NET MVC文章

Find the right MVC面试问题

阅读社区驱动的优秀ASP列表 MVC面试问题.

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Hire a Top ASP.NET MVC Developer Now

Toptal是顶级ASP的市场.NET MVC developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects, and consultants. 顶级公司和初创公司选择Toptal ASP.NET MVC freelancers for their mission-critical software projects.

See Their Profiles

Duy Pham

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
VietnamToptal Member Since October 29, 2019

Duy has 20+ years of software development experience using Microsoft's technology stack, primarily with .NET. He builds high-quality and high-performance back-end systems and creates web applications with good UX using modern frameworks like Angular or React. Duy's proactive and results-oriented with a love of not only writing but also removing code to ensure efficient, stable, and flexible software is delivered within the projected scope and budget.

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Joseph McNulty

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since February 2, 2018

约瑟夫是一位具有很强领导才能的专业人士, 在软件工程方面有丰富经验, 专门研究航天领域的关键任务系统, defense, 和电信. He has over two decades of experience designing and developing sophisticated enterprise web applications using various technologies, 最近的是ASP.NET MVC.

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Alexander Skogorev

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
ThailandToptal Member Since July 9, 2015

在过去的15年里,亚历山大与 .NET technologies. 当时,他以 .NET Framework 3.5,目前正在使用最新的 .NET Core. He has experience in cloud-based solutions such as Azure and Amazon. He has devoted a lot of time to optimizing code performance. Alexander has excellent experience in finding and fixing security issues. Besides the back end, he is good at modern front-end JavaScript frameworks such as Vue, React, and AngularJS.

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Ivan Sedlak

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
SerbiaToptal Member Since December 8, 2015

Ivan has over 12 years of professional hands-on experience using a wide range of Microsoft technologies, 主要针对企业web应用, security, internet, 无服务器功能. His previous position was in a private company working as a senior .NET full-stack developer, software architect, and team leader. 他主要从事大型项目. Ivan自2015年以来一直与Toptal客户合作.

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Tolga Evcimen

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
TurkeyToptal Member Since August 7, 2018

Tolga是一名拥有9年以上经验的软件工程师. He's worked in a startup company for five years as the lead engineer working on every phase of a software project, 从需求收集和分析到设计, development, testing, and delivery using .NET technologies. 接下来的两年, he was part of a large and remote scrum team for an enterprise client working with Java technologies and Adobe Experience Manager. Lately, he's been focusing on AWS microservice architectures.

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Givi Bibileishvili

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
GeorgiaToptal Member Since April 1, 2019

Givi is a motivated full-stack developer with several years of experience in .NET. His thirst for knowledge drives him to explore new technologies, 采用最好的编程和设计实践, 不断寻找新的挑战. Givi has also occupied other roles, such as a CTO in multiple companies, with excellent results.

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Revaz Kartvelishvili

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
GeorgiaToptal Member Since September 1, 2019

Revaz is a full-stack engineer with more than six years of software development experience working with various technologies. 对整个开发过程了如指掌. 对敏捷方法有经验, he communicates extremely well with his team and focuses on getting the job done quickly. 在技术方面,Revaz通常使用c# .后端使用。NET Core,前端使用Angular.

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Ken Hoffman

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since August 27, 2018

Ken has over 20 years of experience as an independent contractor providing application development services to his customers. For the last 12 years, he has developed applications on the .NET platform. Ken's motivation to deliver value-added solutions and pull projects through to completion has earned him the respect of his clients, 形成长期的关系.

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Predrag Grkovic

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
CyprusToptal Member Since August 7, 2019

Predrag is a very experienced software developer/architect with over 20 years of experience in back-end projects, web applications, 以及数学建模. 他有扎实的数学背景, confirmed at many international mathematical/physics competitions. A member of MENSA, Predrag is a fast learner who adapts quickly to different working environments, responsibilities, and team structures.

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Pablo Lopez

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
MexicoToptal Member Since October 30, 2012

Pablo is a senior software developer with over twenty years of experience writing applications, 尤其是web和后端应用程序. 他善于团队合作, 沟通清晰简洁, 并且总是对新的和有吸引力的挑战感兴趣.

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Charles Southey

Freelance ASP.NET MVC Developer
United KingdomToptal Member Since December 3, 2019

Charles has over 25 years of experience developing and delivering software solutions across a wide range of technologies and architectures for companies ranging from new startups to some of the world's biggest and best-known in their fields. He excels at matching business needs to the most appropriate technologies resulting in elegant and highly secure, scalable, 以及高性能应用程序.

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