10个重要的创意指导面试问题 *

最优秀的创意总监可以回答的基本问题. 在我们社区的推动下,我们鼓励专家提交问题并提供反馈.

Toptal logo是顶级自由软件开发人员的专属网络吗, designers, finance experts, product managers, 和世界上的项目经理. 顶级公司雇佣Toptal自由职业者来完成他们最重要的项目.

Interview Questions



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The candidate’s explanation should demonstrate an awareness of what a creative director actually does. Creative directors are responsible for establishing and executing their organizations’ overarching creative visions. 他们在制定宏观战略和监督日常设计任务之间转换.

看看候选人是否将自己的优势与创意总监的职责联系起来. 有效的创意总监能够领导、委派和提高员工的技能. 应聘者应该能够自如地在头脑风暴会议中指导他人. They should be able to generate out-of-the-box concepts while understanding practical business constraints like budgets, timelines, 以及外部利益相关者的需求.

作为新的创意总监,候选人是否有对公司产生影响的愿景, 或者他们只是列出了自己的优势? Additionally, 留意应聘者是否能自如地领导一个多学科的创意团队.



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并非所有申请者都有管理自由职业人才的经验, but serious candidates should have an awareness of the important role that freelancers play in the creative industry.

有管理自由职业者经验的申请人应该意识到存在的挑战, 比如处理时区差异,将自由职业者纳入更广泛的创意团队. Listen to see if the applicant mentions specific tools used for remote communication and project management. 提供可操作的反馈对自由职业者的成功至关重要.

Seasoned managers of freelancers will know where to go to source experienced talent and may already have their own rosters of freelancers that they call upon. Ultimately, it’s the creative director’s role to know when to rely on the skills and capabilities of staff versus when to look for outside help to solve specialized creative problems.



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除了成为熟练的沟通者和项目经理, creative directors must be able to navigate and nurture relationships with people from a variety of creative and non-creative roles. Creative directors need people skills and project management skills and ought to be able to oversee the various moving parts that come with managing art directors, designers, writers, 以及其他创意人员.

看看应聘者是否重视创意部门以外的声音. 他们是否理解激发全公司创意认同的重要性, 或者他们认为设计存在于真空中?

创意总监是思想领袖. Often, 这意味着带头行动, workshops, 以及提高人们对设计重要性认识的内部活动. Listen to see if the candidate is able to clearly articulate how they would manage the many duties and expectations that come with being a creative director.


并享受可靠、稳定、远程 自由创意总监职位

Apply as a Freelancer

你最喜欢用的设计程序是什么? Least comfortable?

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创意总监可能不像他们的员工那样参与日常的设计任务, 但是他们应该精通一些视觉设计程序. 同样,他们也应该对自己专业领域之外的项目有一定的了解.

听录音,看看应聘者是否提到了具体的设计工具及其用途, 而不是泛泛而谈. 还要注意他们是否意识到各种创造性学科所使用的工具. For instance, 如果候选人有视觉设计背景, 他们知道用户体验设计师使用什么程序吗?

没有必要掌握每一个数字设计程序. 更重要的是,候选人要了解创意人员使用的工具的更广泛的生态系统. Creative directors must be able to communicate on a technical level with a diverse group of creative disciplines, 所以要注意那些对学习和填补知识空白充满好奇心的候选人.



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创意总监负责招聘所有经验水平的设计师, including new designers. Listen to see what traits the candidate looks for in new hires and compare them with traits valued by your company.

Also, pay attention to whether or not the candidate has a clearly defined rationale for their hiring decisions. 一些候选人可能有很强的凭直觉招聘的记录, 根据特定的标准,其他公司的招聘也可能同样顺利. 在这方面与你的组织保持一致是关键.

除了招聘新的设计师,用这个问题来了解候选人的领导风格. 他们是采用“孤注一掷”的方法,还是采用更基于导师的方法? 每种方法都有其优点, 但理想的候选人会考虑员工的长远发展.

For example, 候选人可能会说, “当我聘请新设计师时, 我把她和我最有经验的员工放在一起,希望她能坚持住. It can be tough, but I keep a close eye on all of my new designers and regularly connect with them to see how they’re doing. 让他们知道我对他们的成功很感兴趣,这对我来说很重要.”



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在专业环境中, 设计的成功是通过它如何影响业务目标来衡量的, 有很多指标可以计算. 创意总监必须能够区分定量和定性指标, 他们应该知道什么时候应该关注其中一个,而不是另一个.

For instance, a company may run an online ad campaign that is visually appealing (qualitative) but fails to generate clicks or revenue from consumers (quantitative). 创意总监的工作是与员工沟通他们擅长的地方, where they fell short, 以及如何改进.

听一听,看看候选人是否有一种平衡的方法来衡量设计. 他们纯粹是数字驱动的吗, 甚至到了为了数字收益而牺牲质量的地步? Do they diminish the importance of quantitative measurements and hold design as a purely subjective artform?

Look for candidates that embrace continuous improvement and insights that can only be gained by a combination of quantitative and qualitative feedback.



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This question is a great way to gain insight into the candidate’s design taste and awareness of the creative world at large. 从当前趋势到风格时期, creative directors should have extensive art and design knowledge that they can use to educate and inspire staff.

Listen to see if the candidate simply throws out names or actually discusses why certain people or periods are influential. Also, pay attention to whether or not the candidate spends an inordinate amount of time talking about the latest trends, 因为这可能是一个人很容易被别人的行为所影响的迹象.

准备好听到一系列的答案. Areas like architecture, music, culinary arts, 电影(以及其他)可能对候选人的创意前景做出了重大贡献. Most of all, 要注意寻找一个全面发展的, 深思熟虑的回答,显示了创造性好奇心的多样性.



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研究是任何创意活动的重要组成部分. 除了知道一些研究方法, 创意总监应该能够评估每个新项目的研究需求. For example, the research process required to launch an app will look different than what is needed for an out-of-home advertising campaign.

Regardless, 听录音,看候选人是否能清楚地表达出他们是如何调查创造性问题的. 他们是否遵循一个逻辑过程? 他们知道如何发现最终用户或受众成员的需求、欲望和问题吗? 他们提到具体的研究技术和他们所产生的信息吗?

应聘者的回答将揭示他们如何优先处理信息并着手解决问题. 要警惕那些降低研究重要性的候选人. Large-scale creative campaigns can have a huge impact on business goals and require too many resources to treat research as an afterthought.



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创意项目可能压力很大. 计划失败,最后期限突然改变,预算蒸发. 节奏、不确定性和对质量的要求甚至会让最有经验的创意专业人士感到疲惫. Creative directors have to know how to hold their teams to high standards while keeping them motivated for the long haul.

这个问题将揭示候选人作为监督者是如何运作的. 他们是否有一个具体的方法来驾驶性能而不专横? 他们能自如地向员工传达困难的信息吗? 他们是否愿意在截止日期即将到来的时候帮忙?

It will also demonstrate how they manage the stress of difficult clients and unforeseen project changes. Listen to see if the candidate shares positive management strategies or if they lean more toward pressuring and intimidation. Also, 注意应聘者是否提到了管理工作负载的具体技术, formulating timelines, 并且清楚地传达截止日期.



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创意总监在他们的组织中很少有最终的创意决定权. 他们必须获得主管的批准. 通常,这意味着部门经理和公司高管. The candidate should understand that pitching creative work to internal company stakeholders involves more than presenting. 它是关于以一种激励他人的方式传达概念,并清楚地说明价值.

Listen to see if the candidate mentions presentation strategies and whether or not they are enthusiastic about pitching the value of design. 此外,应试者应该提到根据听众量身定制演讲的必要性. 创意总监的想法经常面临阻力, so the candidate should demonstrate a willingness to defend design decisions with both quantitative and qualitative data.

Finally, listen for indicators that the candidate is uncomfortable speaking in front of groups or doesn’t value design feedback, 因为两者都可能导致不必要的内部冲突.

面试不仅仅是棘手的技术问题, 所以这些只是作为一个指南. 并不是每一个值得雇佣的“A”候选人都能回答所有的问题, 回答所有问题也不能保证成为A级考生. At the end of the day, 招聘仍然是一门艺术,一门科学,需要大量的工作.

Why Toptal

厌倦了面试候选人? 不知道该问什么才能让你得到一份好工作?









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Looking for Creative Directors? 看看Toptal的创意总监吧.

Dickon Kent

United StatesToptal Member Since February 28, 2018

拥有23年以上的远程工作经验, Dickon是用户体验领域的资深数字领导者, product design, digital strategy, and team management. He has conceived, planned, managed, designed, 为迪士尼打造数字产品, OPI, Paramount Pictures, 和电视学院, 服务超过5000万用户. Dickon's award-winning work has been twice nominated for a Webby as well as having been a Webby honoree.

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Tomass Sola

LatviaToptal Member Since August 16, 2016

Tomass is a senior-level UI/UX designer with over a decade of experience creating functional and beautiful user experiences that drive business success. He is a dedicated professional who strives to stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and techniques and is always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a designer. Tomass是一位经验丰富的UI/UX设计师,在交付成功项目方面有着良好的记录.

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Liz Young

United KingdomToptal Member Since March 29, 2018

Elizabeth is a highly experienced creative director who has defined experiences for global brands like Universal Records and PUMA while transforming many more. 拥有品牌方面的专业知识, social media content, digital design, and UI/UX, she has helped launch startups in Silicon Valley and create integrated brand and website designs for well-established DTC, new tech, 高档运动品牌. Elizabeth采用整体和简化的方法,平衡设计策略和功能.

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