authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


Micah helps businesses craft meaningful engagement through 品牌ing, 插图, and design.


每一次设计努力, 无论是一次性横幅广告还是多渠道营销活动, 是否被限制创造性决策的因素所束缚. 这些约束因素被称为设计约束. 尽管它们似乎会破坏原创性, 约束是解锁长期设计解决方案的关键.

约束是设计限制. 一个明显的例子就是预算. 金钱可以提供人力、工具,在某种程度上也可以提供时间. 其他因素,如管理机构和公众舆论,则更难买到. 当然,没有设计方案可以取代自然法则.

从不利的角度来看,约束是一种剥夺. They are unavailable options and mandates that exclude “better” alternatives. 其内涵完全是负面的. 约束扼杀创造力.

从另一个角度来看,约束是创造力的增强者. 因为资源不是取之不尽用之不竭的,而且必须满足设计标准, 约束迫使我们对人和他们的问题进行更有条理的分析. 他们推 设计师 对他们所使用的过程和所消耗的能量具有战略性.



在艺术事业中,约束解决了空白画布的问题. 无限的选择淹没了你的第一笔. Constraints embolden the brush by intentionally forsaking creative choices (like color or subject matter). Decision-making is swift and simple as seemingly one-dimensional actions accumulate greater levels of sophistication.

同样的力量也适用于 设计师, but the client/designer dynamic adds a psychological stigma that’s less common in the art world. In the designer’s mind, client-requested 约束 undergo a strange metamorphosis. They become restraints, locked gates preventing access to ideal design outcomes.

这是一种无益的观点, 这导致设计师做出客户不希望的错误假设. 在渴望创作自由的同时,明显的机会被错过了.


带有规格和约束的设计概要不是紧闭的门. 它们是路标 设计师 可以大胆地着手解决问题的调查吗.

什么类型的设计 约束 设计师应该意识到这一点吗? More importantly, why do these 约束 exist and how are they leveraged for design innovation?


有无数种方法可以对设计施加限制. 为清晰起见, 识别设计概要规范和约束是有帮助的, 他们的例子, 通过使用分类. 有些是众所周知的,有些是意想不到的.

1. 商业的约束

Commercial 约束 are linked to business 资源 like time, budget, and manpower. 在设计项目中,商业约束是相互权衡的. When clients compose briefs, commercial 约束 are prominently featured. “我们需要在Y时间内以Z成本交付X件产品.”

商业约束并不是永恒不变的法则. 询问客户存在的原因可能会节省更多的时间或预算, or it may reveal a need for design 可交付成果 that clients hadn’t considered.

2. 合规约束

取决于项目, 可能会有法律, 标准, 或者设计师必须遵守的规定:

  • 包装和标签要求
  • 数据隐私规则
  • 数字和物理环境的可访问性要求


当设计师遇到新的或不熟悉的遵从性约束时, it’s tempting to turn to online research to avoid “losing face” with clients. 独立研究是有帮助的,但还不够. 客户拥有丰富的行业知识,并乐于分享:

  • 为什么限制首先存在
  • How the 约束 are typically addressed or if there are varying interpretations
  • 改进约束设计影响的想法


3. 功能限制


  • 营销单页的正文
  • SaaS平台的图标
  • 用于零售展示的产品照片

将功能约束视为清单上的项目是不明智的. 是客户要求的. 设计师做这件事. ✓检查. Here, the designer is merely an extension of the client’s creative faculties–like a marionette.

更好的方法? 在项目开始之前询问为什么需要特性和功能. 这样做可能会显示客户与某些请求的关系并不紧密, 因此,允许设计师在适当的时候提出替代解决方案.


4. 非功能性约束

Non-functional 约束 relate to qualities that 设计 should possess–words like simple, 快, 易于使用的, 可负担的是很常见的.

Here again, it’s critical to understand the rationale behind clients’ inclusion of such descriptors. 有时, clients draw unrealistic comparisons between real-world examples and the attributes they want 设计 to have.

例如,如果客户想要他们的 银行应用程序 为了简单,提到a 笔记应用 作为基准, it’s the designer’s job to clarify the parallels the client is trying to make and point out discrepancies when correlations aren’t logical.


5. 感官约束

感官方面的考虑在当代设计中被大量忽视, 尤其是数字设计, 哪里那么强调视觉. 在创意简报中很少遇到感官限制, 而是拒绝接触甚至不去想视觉之外的感官, 设计师对自己和客户都是一种伤害.

在未来的岁月里, sensory design will flourish as more companies look to transition experiences away from screens by integrating technology into wearables and the built environment–where sounds, 气味, 口味, 纹理丰富多彩.


6. 风格上的约束

Stylistic 约束 are rooted in aesthetic qualities and are typically shared in 品牌 style guides, 组件库, 或用于设计决策的其他文档. 有时, clients blur the line between stylistic and non-functional 约束 by asking 设计 体现开放式词汇(如.g.有趣、有活力、富有同情心等等.).

最终,设计师需要询问情境. 为什么文体上的限制会存在?它们意味着什么? 以这种方式, 设计师 are empowered to take action when creative decisions (inevitably) pose problems not outlined in style documents.


7. 系统的约束

Systems 约束 have to do with how a new or updated design fits into an overall system of design considerations. 例如,UI更新如何影响网站的:

  • 后端?
  • 导航?
  • 转化率?

被警告. 一方面, there are clients who are acutely aware of systems 约束 and seek assurance that new 设计 won’t adversely impact existing systems. 另一方面, there are clients who don’t realize that the design changes they want will be disruptive.

In either case, it’s best for 设计师 to be forthright about potential issues. 不要给出毫无根据的保证. 设计更新伴随着固有的风险.

8. 自我约束

自我约束支配着创造性决策. Some 设计师 follow rigorous design methods, while others limit tool choices or stylistic options. 像草间弥生和 罗伯特·史密森 运用自我约束来达到戏剧性的效果.

As with any strategy, 设计师 ought to ask themselves why they’ve chosen self-imposed 约束:

  • Do the 约束 somehow link to project learnings or enhance problem-solving capacity?
  • Will they yield design solutions that delight users or provide clients with marketing advantages?
  • Or are they simply a way to stimulate creativity and overcome the proverbial 空白的画布?


9. 技能水平限制

默认情况下,设计项目涉及设计人员. 这些设计师的能力受到限制. This is especially true of projects where 设计师 are asked to perform roles across multiple disciplines. 当客户的预算要求聘请经验不足的设计师时,也会出现这种情况.

显然,要解决职业上的缺点是很棘手的. 设计师 don’t want to feel inadequate, and clients don’t want to be short-changed. 走近巧妙地, skill level 约束 may be used to convince clients to hire additional design support, 或者它们可以为设计师提供发展新能力的机会.


约束是线索. 他们帮助 设计师 在这些问题之间进行三角测量, 资源, and criteria inherent in every project and prevent precious time wasted on extraneous design ideas. 当约束只被视为约束时, 创新的机会依然未被发掘, 通常在表面之下几英寸.

在一个鼓励突破界限的行业里, 接受约束并不迷人, but it does lead to relevant design solutions with long-term staying power.

让我们知道你的想法! 请在下面留下你的想法、评论和反馈.


  • 设计概要中的约束条件是什么?

    有许多类型的设计约束. For instance, commercial 约束 include considerations like time, budget, and manpower. Stylistic 约束, often shared in 品牌 guides, limit 设计师 aesthetic choices. In some cases, compliance 约束 ensure 设计 align with laws and regulations.

  • 约束的例子是什么?

    设计约束是对设计的限制. 一个明显的例子就是预算. 另一个是屏幕尺寸. 一个不太明显的设计约束例子是设计师的技能水平. Skill 约束 are especially pressing when a single designer is responsible for 可交付成果 in multiple disciplines (UI, UX, 插图, 品牌, 等.).

  • 什么是设计要求和约束?

    客户雇佣设计师来满足与设计相关的需求. 这些需求与制约因素有关, 或者设计限制, 像预算, 可交付成果, 风格期望. 有些限制,比如项目时间,是灵活的. 其他的,比如监管要求,则更为严格.

  • 什么是设计约束?

    设计约束 are limitations that force a more methodical analysis of people and their problems. 因为资源不是用之不竭的,必须达到标准, they push 设计师 对他们所使用的过程和所消耗的能量具有战略性.


位于 温哥华,华盛顿州,美国

成员自 2016年1月3日


Micah helps businesses craft meaningful engagement through 品牌ing, 插图, and design.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


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