authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计

Santiago is a UX/UI designer with experience crafting websites and digital products that successfully draw new users and paying customers.




当你经营一家公司的时候, you need to make decisions accurately and quickly by analyzing complex datasets. 这很难,但它可以变得更容易.

而不是不断地需要运行相同的分析, well-built dashboards let you visualize your data in exactly the views you need to make well-informed decisions. 但构建一个有效的仪表盘并非易事.

设计一个有效的仪表板, designers must precisely understand how the data will be used and by whom. Users want “analytics,” but to do their jobs, they actually need insight. 因为仪表板有这么多可能的用途, it can be difficult for organizations to get a proper understanding of which solutions best fit their needs.

让你开始, I’ve put together this collection of dashboards to give you a few ideas of how you can tailor your 仪表盘的设计 to fit the operations of the organization you’re working with.



Mixpanel年’s mobile app allows you to create a dashboard of your most important metrics, so you can easily check in on your business anywhere you go. 通过轻松地将关键指标添加到仪表板, your data is available instantly for when you need it on the fly.



This is an administrative dashboard that displays analytics for an open job position at an organization. The most important data is seen both relative to one another, 以及随着时间的推移, to give an organization insight into the success of a job posting.



A great dashboard is easy to read at a glance and Ante Matijaca’s experiment with a Dribbble profile is a good example of this. 只显示必要的信息, and the minimal color palette allows Matijaca to indicate values on the graph without additional labeling.



许多组织在网上产生某种形式的收入, so understanding the analyses on conversion rates is essential. This dashboard provides daily and weekly performance insights, such that users can quickly understand the financial consequences and benefits of their actions.



Some organizations don’t just require numerical analysis but rather information that can be visualized geographically. This type of dashboard could apply to a range of businesses from the localized contracting company keeping tabs on city-wide projects to a regional industrial supplier tracking installed products.



The way that Intercom asks questions about its data analytics shows that they are much less concerned about aesthetics, and much more interested in what insights their data gives their users. This basic bar graph shows easy-to-scan bar charts for new conversations and median response times. These graphs can be viewed by date to view trends (does that spike correspond to our big feature launch?),以及按星期划分(周五我们有多忙)?), and time of day (do we need cover when Asia and Australia are online?)来了解你的支持模式.



It’s no longer a tech secret that apps are slowly becoming obsolete. This data dashboard follows that trend and pushes the most important information to users as a notification that can be read at a glance.

InsightsPro - Agent & 主管指示板

InsightsPro - Agent & 主管指示板

This is a more technical dashboard for administrative personnel, 谁会花更多时间在仪表盘上, 因此从极简主义美学中获益较少. 在这种情况下, 仪表板用于票务CRM, which you as a company get a ticket/problem report that is sent out to your techs on the field. The main function is for you to see open tickets/claims and arrange for it to be fixed. 作为主管, you are able to see all the reports on how your company is handling any unresolved issues.



Teaching classes is becoming an increasingly popular revenue stream for 数字设计师 and the relatively new teacher Vasjen Katro thinks that the products to manage your own performance could be better. The teacher can easily see their classes individually ranked against one another as well as their revenue totals.



在这个仪表板上, you can view the analytics of one (or all) of an organization’s storefronts, 以及调整其设置和外观. The dashboard provides a robust range of data from geographic analytics to specific product performance. This dashboard might be too complicated for the small business owner, while it can handle the range of needs of a bigger organization.


There might not be an analytics tool out there that perfectly fits your organization or client because each tool pulls data differently and often specializes in different metrics. But understanding what each tool offers will help you pull the right insights for your team or client to get started.



验证专家 在设计




Santiago is a UX/UI designer with experience crafting websites and digital products that successfully draw new users and paying customers.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.





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