作者s are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计

Miklos是一名UX设计师, 产品设计战略家, 作者, and speaker with more than 18 years of experience in the design field.




在动态中, fast-paced production environments in which 设计师 work, 精度, speed and meticulous execution are vital. 忙碌的设计师, having the right UX tools can be the crucial difference between a collaborative and highly 有效的设计 workflow versus a slow, unproductive, cumbersome one. 更甚于以往, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest UX tools and learn about the best ways 设计师 can utilize them to design and collaborate more efficiently.

Choosing the right UX tools requires careful consideration. Some tools are more effective than others, depending on the required level of collaboration with other team members, 团队的规模, the task it would be used for, 它运行的平台/操作系统, and any other tools that may be needed to integrate with in order to maintain a seamless product design workflow.

There is a plethora of design tools to choose from and so many options to consider that 设计师 can end up feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes being inundated with so many choices can lead to “decision paralysis,” so we put this infographic together to help make selecting the best UX tool for a given job easier.

以下是顶级UX工具, from wireframing and 原型设计 to handoff, that today are helping teams do incredible things at companies of all sizes. Once the choices are narrowed down, consider signing up for free trials (when available) and running a 5-day 设计冲刺 试水.



  • 什么是设计冲刺?

    A 设计冲刺 is a methodology invented by Jake Knapp and Google Ventures used to validate ideas through design, 原型设计, 用户测试, 和协作. While it won’t result in a finished product, it’s the fastest and cheapest way to validate business strategies or product ideas with real users.

  • What is a user interface prototype?

    A user interface prototype demonstrates—in a rough, unpolished form—a UI’s general layout, 外观和感觉, 交互设计, 和功能.

  • What is website user experience?

    The user experience of a website is essentially the effect a site’s design has on its visitors. This effect can be negative or positive. User experience 设计师 consider how a user interacts with a website and try to elicit a positive response.

  • What is the difference between UX and UI?

    User experience (UX) design is less concerned with the 外观和感觉 of a product and more concerned with how people use it and with their experience—the effect it has. UX design is focused on the user rather than the aesthetics whereas UI design focuses more on the aesthetics and the general interface layout.

  • UX中的线框是什么?

    线框图 is a major step in the design process when designing a user interface, 一个网站, 应用程序, 或者软件产品. Without distractions in the form of visuals, 颜色, 排版, 风格, 和效果, you can be more focused on defining content hierarchy and the user experience.

  • What is a prototype in design?

    A prototype is a tool for visualizing interactive design work. It’s a rough representation of a certain design direction, its functions and form. A prototype demonstrates what the product is doing at any given point, what the interactive elements are, and how it would function in the real world.

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验证专家 在设计




Miklos是一名UX设计师, 产品设计战略家, 作者, and speaker with more than 18 years of experience in the design field.

作者s are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.




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