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Kevin Park

Verified Expert  in Marketing

Marketing Expert

Toronto, ON, Canada
Toptal Member Since
April 17, 2023

Kevin is a senior digital marketing professional with a background in the tier-1 consumer electronics category and agency experiences in consumer retail, 无线及互联网通讯, retail finance, and SaaS. 他对所有主要的数字营销策略有着深厚的技术知识. His specialties are designing end-to-end digital marketing campaigns that connect with customers at all relevant touch points and generating business results that look at incremental customers or revenue.

Project Highlights

Won the 2021 Association of National Advertisers In-House Excellence Award in the Best Media Thinking Category (July 2021)
Mayweather vs. 帕奎奥拳击比赛按次付费活动
在最后一刻进行了有针对性的付费搜索推广梅威瑟大战. Pacquiao boxing PPV. Paid search, 唯一的付费媒体, 代表登陆页面27%的流量,结果是4,000 sales inquiries.


Work Experience


2023 - PRESENT
Volatus Aerospace
  • Managed paid search campaigns on Google and Bing and leveraged 微软的广告 to generate 60% of incremental Shopify revenue according to a thorough internal statistical analysis.
  • 领导开发新的广告账户结构, CRM databases, 以及其他关键的营销系统, 使团队能够遵循定义的方法, 通过线性A/B测试确定最佳决策, 并显著提高收入.
  • Strengthened Volatus Aerospace’s brand power by consolidating eCommerce operations and rebranding subsidiaries, 通过团购简化企业工具的使用, 并通过设计跨市场数字系统来提高运营效率.


2015 - PRESENT
  • 曾担任万维网的共同所有人和营销总监.tollaa.shopify旗下的电子商务网站,年收入40万美元. 分析消费者行为,优化重点销售渠道, 包括直销, marketplace, and FBA.
  • Led a project to develop a multi-lingual website and launch global B2B digital marketing campaigns and trade marketing campaigns as the marketing director for KYMA, 一家为全球环境市场开发先进分析仪的科技初创公司.
  • 为Faire创建了第一个数字营销框架, 截至2022年6月,这个B2B市场的估值为130亿美元. 直接与发起人合作开展活动, 在线客户细分, 网站优化.
  • 领导了一个项目,以提高对Octapharma NUWIQ的认识,Octapharma是一种治疗血友病a的药物. Created microsites optimized for inbound marketing to run online campaigns that abide by patient protection law.


2020 - 2022
HP Inc
  • Achieved an ANA award in 2021 after crafting a cross-channel strategy to drive customers from Google to the optimized HP brand store on Amazon Vendor Central, 在亚马逊的增量销售中获得6倍的ROAS, 利用亚马逊广告和亚马逊SEO.
  • 用520美元执行了一个广告活动,为了发展惠普的新订阅服务,公司每年预算为5000万美元, HP Instant Ink; focused on achieving a high ROI by focusing on 1st-party customer data, 每次注册10美元,而不是50美元的目标.
  • Led a digital transformation project with a team of eight specialists to in-house online media buying and retail account optimizations; achieved a 14.成本降低8%,付费媒体收入达到创纪录的4美元.300万美元收购惠普电子商务网站.


2018 - 2020
HP Inc
  • Drove digital transformations by sharing internally-developed online customer experience strategies with Canadian retailers; offered custom solutions and implementation consulting as a subject matter expert to tier-1 partners.
  • Engaged with senior executives and digital decision-makers with partner-focused plans to improve digital CX and eCommerce sales in the consumer tech category.
  • Extracted actionable insights from enterprise-grade intelligence tools to co-design digital solutions involving cross-company teams, 改善零售商网站的流量,增加惠普产品的电子商务收入.
  • 在矩阵式组织中工作, including account, category, marketing, and finance, to efficiently allocate market development funds; created executive reports to influence HP's senior leaders for incremental budgets on revenue-driving projects.


2014 - 2015
  • Managed a $5 million annual budget across Rogers cable services (OMD Canada's highest spending client), Rogers Bank, 和购物频道(电子商务网站)在谷歌广告和微软广告.
  • 领导罗杰斯·阿波罗的付费搜索项目, 这是一项从第一季度到第三季度的品牌重塑计划, 2015; awarded Gold REAP, OMD加拿大第二高的员工荣誉, 感谢我对项目的贡献.
  • Managed paid search campaigns to drive customer acquisition during key seasonal and brand initiatives such as Rogers Ignite (internet), back to school, Fido Pulse(移动), 罗杰斯白金万事达卡(金融).


2013 - 2014
Deloitte Digital
  • Prepared the first drafts of integrated digital marketing strategies involving paid search and social media for manager review.
  • Installed advanced tags in Google Tag Manager and created custom conversion actions in Google Analytics for Canon, Sobeys, 和其他客户跟踪基于事件的目标,并创建自定义的客户细分.
  • Handled day-to-day management of the accounts by reviewing performances and making budget adjustments.



Created an imaginary AI service that could detect mental health issues in children by analyzing text messages sent on the Rogers network (a brand that the team picked to create this hypothetical service). Our team created a holistic national marketing strategy to get Canadian parents with mobile family plans to enroll in the service to take advantage of AI-powered detection and customized treatment plans. The team was recognized for our creativity in creating a hypothetical AI solution based on the brand (Rogers) fit and creating a marketing strategy with a deep understanding of the target audience and the market need. 我们在所有来自加拿大的队伍中获得了前五名.


Won the 2021 Association of National Advertisers In-House Excellence Award in the Best Media Thinking Category (July 2021)

Executed a cross-channel campaign using HP brand store pages as landing pages in Google Ads campaigns. We wanted to place an ad using another domain that could convert customers efficiently and defend our real estate on Google SERPs. We created custom Amazon store pages optimized for high-intent Google traffic and implemented dynamic sales tracking that could attribute Amazon product sales to the ad spend on Google. beta测试取得了巨大的成功,在亚马逊的增量销售中获得了6倍的ROAS. We won a Best Media Thinking Award from the Association of National Advertisers in 2021 for being recognized as the first strategy ever to be executed in North America.

Mayweather vs. 帕奎奥拳击比赛按次付费活动

在最后一刻进行了有针对性的付费搜索推广梅威瑟大战. Pacquiao boxing PPV. Paid search, 唯一的付费媒体, 代表登陆页面27%的流量,结果是4,000 sales inquiries.

Took the initiative to analyze the revenue opportunity from selling the premium PPV boxing match between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, 一场名为“世纪之战”的比赛." Paid search was the only paid media that supported the exclusive PPV distribution license that Rogers had because I was the only person who went to the Rogers brand team to get campaign approval. 离比赛只剩两周了, I worked around the clock to launch a paid search campaign that every Canadian wanted to find and click on during that time. Paid search, 唯一的付费媒体, 代表登陆页面27%的流量,结果是4,000 sales inquiries.
2009 - 2013




搜索引擎优化(SEO), Digital Marketing, 搜索引擎营销(SEM), Market Research & Analysis, Google Ads, SEO Audits, Marketing Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Content Marketing, 社交媒体营销(SMM), Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Email Campaigns, Sales, Channel Strategy

Platforms & Tools

必应广告,亚马逊SEO, CRM系统,亚马逊供应商中心,亚马逊广告


整合营销, 程序化的营销, eCommerce, Bid Management, 用户体验(UX), Paid Search, 营销归因, 微软的广告, 亚马逊卖家中心, 营销ROI优化, Consumer Behavior, Brand Management, 客户关系管理(CRM), 数字转换, Sales Pitches, Shopify, Digital Systems, 业务发展, Trade Marketing



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