Brandon Duffany, Developer in Cambridge, MA, United States
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Brandon Duffany

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web App Development Developer

Cambridge, MA, United States
Toptal Member Since
May 28, 2020

Brandon在谷歌做了四年的工程师,最近完成了几个成功的自动交易工程项目, digital advertising, and eCommerce. 他对自己能够与用户和客户产生共鸣并理解他们的需求感到非常自豪, his ability to foresee issues before they happen, his masterful and creative use of software, his eye for good design, and his efficient process for organizing work and getting things done.



Preferred Environment

Next.js, Windows, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Firebase, SQL, Node.js, React, Java, Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

The most amazing...

...product I've worked on is Google Ads; it won the product excellence award within Google when it launched. I received multiple awards for my work on the project.

Work Experience

Developer and Consultant

2020 - PRESENT
Freelance Web Developer and Consultant
  • 为基于web的数字音频工作站及其周边的SaaS网站构建了一个高性能的UI. 尽管有复杂的缩放动画和数据要求,该应用程序仍以60 FPS运行. Each page of the SaaS website loads almost instantly.
  • 为汽车行业的客户开发了一个基于网络的广告工具. 该工具自动化了管理Facebook营销受众的多项任务, 将客户的工作流程从2-3小时缩短到几分钟.
  • 创建一个自动交易应用程序,使客户能够执行他们的算法交易策略. 客户的交易账户每天转移大量资金,因此安全是首要问题.
  • 建立了一个基于网络的订餐体验(类似于Uber Eats),并将其整合到人工智能聊天流程中, as well as the merchant-facing CMS for the platform. 显著提高了经常冻结的现有页面的UI性能.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS)、TypeScript、Linux、Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, UI Animation, SVG, OAuth 2, Google Cloud, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Python, Odoo, Next.js, React

Software Engineer III

2016 - 2020
  • 开发网络应用程序(谷歌广告和部分谷歌助手),为数百万不同用例的用户提供服务, device types, backgrounds, and ability levels.
  • 在复杂工程项目从头到尾的领导中发挥了积极的作用, organizing spreadsheets of processes and tasks, managing important details such as assignees, bottlenecks, dependencies, deadlines, stages, and priorities.
  • 与用户体验设计师和产品经理合作,提供设计反馈并主动提出改进建议, 以及沟通工程约束来争论复杂性和范围.
Technologies: Python, CSS, HTML, Dart, Java


2014 - 2014
  • 为移动设备上的评论翻译功能添加了检测工具. 整理存储在Amazon S3中的日志数据,并将结果组装到一个仪表板中以供内部使用.
  • Added SQL filtering options for an internal admin dashboard.
  • Wrangled geographical data to contribute to Yelp's Japan launch.
Technologies: Python

Google Ads
While working as a full stack engineer for Google Ads, 我是谷歌旗舰广告产品导航基础设施和用户界面的核心贡献者之一. 我与UX设计师一起收集产品的需求和约束,并在紧迫的期限内高效地执行项目.

我的日常工作主要是为前端编写UI组件, 但我也花时间为其他工程师开发生产力工具,以及与工程师会面, PMs, and designers to develop and execute on the product vision, directly addressing the biggest problems and needs of our advertisers, both small and large.

Google Assistant
我负责Android和iOS上的Google Assistant设置体验. I built the "Your News Update" experience, working closely with UX designers and engineers at a remote office. We planned the project far in advance, met in person, 并进行了几次设计会议,将抽象需求转化为行动. 我与UX设计师密切合作,以确保设计是可行的,并且不会在最初发布时扩大太多的范围.

我构建的最终设置体验是流畅和实用的. 我个人还负责确保适当的可访问性测试和web性能, as well as driving the launch process. As a result of our careful planning and efficient execution, we completed the project two weeks earlier than anticipated.

Botsheets是一项允许客户使用Google Sheets管理他们的人工智能聊天机器人的服务. It positions itself as "The CMS for Manychat."

I implemented the webview feature for Botsheets. Webviews are dynamic views displayed by chat applications (e.g. Facebook Messenger),为聊天机器人提供更丰富的功能.

The implementation included the webview builder, which allows users to link specific Spreadsheet columns to the webview, as well as the webview itself, which is displayed to users interacting with the chatbot. 所有这些都是用React完成的,并利用了Material UI和Formik库.

我最近为一个想要优化Facebook广告工作流程的客户构建了一个自动广告工具. The tool consumes large amounts of CSV data, transforms that data, and performs API calls to Facebook in order to update the ad account. The tool cut down his time to perform this task from hours to minutes.
I also built the landing page for the product.

Trading Places Research

我目前正在为交易场所研究公司研究一个自动交易算法. 涉及的技术包括用于数据存储(S3)和作业调度(Lambda)的AWS, IEX API for market data and quotes, 以及用于交易执行和投资组合管理的Ameritrade和ETrade api. 所有这些系统都是无缝连接在一起的,重点是延迟.

McCreery's Home Furnishings
我在Odoo(一个基于Python的全栈应用程序框架)中实现了三个模块, SQL, and HTML/JS/CSS) for McCreery's Home Furnishings.
The first module allowed customers to request quotes for furniture.
第二个模块允许客户在多个阶段收集客户信息, 而不是要求客户填写完整的表单(这会导致丢失线索).
第三个模块允许客户将他们以前的Wordpress博客导入到Odoo. 这是迄今为止最复杂的项目,因为它涉及到大量处理Wordpress内容以使其与Odoo预期的文件格式兼容.
尽管我以前从未使用过Odoo,但我实现了这三个模块, 客户的系统工程师对我的快速周转时间感到惊讶.

Personal Finance Dashboard

I'm currently working on a personal finance dashboard which includes:


Java, Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, SQL, Dart


Angular, Next.js, OAuth 2


Node.js, React


Web, Linux, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase, Windows, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Web应用开发,Web可用性,Web可访问性,金融科技,api,广告,SVG, UI动画


MySQL, NoSQL, Google Cloud


Webpack, Odoo

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Cornell University - Ithaca, NY