Denis Makarov,阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比的开发者
Denis is available for hire
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Denis Makarov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Embedded Software Developer

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
September 16, 2021

Denis是一名嵌入式系统开发人员,拥有10多年的设计经验, developing, 维护复杂的软件和硬件系统. 他拥有电子博士学位,在C、c++、STL、Qt、Linux和FreeRTOS方面拥有专业知识. 在嵌入式系统方面有丰富的经验, information security, cryptography, and networks, Denis热衷于为客户开发高负载实时系统.


C, c++, Azure IoT Hub, FreeRTOS, Git, Python, Bash, Linux,无线协议...
Klika Tech
C, C++, Linux, Node.. js、Python、AWS IoT、Git、嵌入式Linux、STM32...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Windows, GCC, FreeRTOS, TCP/IP, HTTP, Qt, Bash, c++, C

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
  • 设计并开发了一个通过HTTP API提供加密请求的web服务器.
  • 创建和开发卫星的机载计算机固件,并提供固件升级等系统服务, file system, job scheduling, networking, log management, housekeeping, bootloader, and other business logic.
  • 维护质量控制操作,如设计集成测试, verifying requirements, 开发一个自动化工具集.

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2021
  • 基于NVMe技术开发SSD控制器固件.
  • 构建固件,使设备能够通过WiFi与Azure的物联网中心通信,并通过BLE与用户的移动应用程序通信.
  • 创建了一个桌面GUI应用程序,作为自动电子设备设计工具.
Technologies: C, c++, Azure IoT Hub, FreeRTOS, Git, Python, Bash, Linux,无线协议, Concurrent Programming, 实时操作系统(RTOS), Embedded C, Embedded C++, Embedded Systems, GCC, Windows, Qt, Standard Template Library (STL), MCU, Real-time Embedded Systems, Bluetooth LE, Protobuf, STM32, NVMe, Unit Testing, Node.js, Embedded Linux, 通用异步收发器(UART), HTTP, TCP/IP, MQTT, HTTPS, Ubuntu, IEEE 802.15.4, JSON, SQL, Streaming, Stream Processing, Boost, SSH, Catch2, Makefile, Make, GNU Make, CMake, 电子设计自动化(EDA), EDA, Python 3, Python 2, Concurrency, Concurrent Computing, WiFi, Memory Management, Memory Leaks, Memory Profiling, Memory Optimization, C++ Memory Model, Performance, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Desktop App Design, Multithreading, Data Structures, Design Principles, UML, Design Patterns, Socket Communication, BSD Socket, Socket Programming, Sockets, Profiling, GNU Debugger, Runtime Debugging, Algorithms, Networking, IP Networks, Networks, Debugging, GDB, Valgrind, Debugging Tools, Low-level Programming, Encryption, Client/Server Networking, Computer Networking, Agile, Scrum, GitFlow, GitHub, GitLab, Git Flow, JavaScript, Docker, Operating Systems, Applied Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols

Senior Software Developer

2018 - 2019
Klika Tech
  • 开发ZigBee主机驱动程序和网关固件,将低功耗设备网络连接到基于云的基础设施.
  • 为不同的微控制器移植硬件抽象层,提供空中固件升级功能.
  • 为基于Alexa引擎的人工智能语音助手的消费电子设备构建固件.
Technologies: C, C++, Linux, Node.. js、Python、AWS IoT、Git、嵌入式Linux、STM32, Bluetooth LE, Wireless Protocols, Concurrent Programming, 实时操作系统(RTOS), Embedded C, Embedded C++, Embedded Systems, GCC, Bash, Standard Template Library (STL), MCU, Real-time Embedded Systems, Protobuf, Unit Testing, 通用异步收发器(UART), HTTP, TCP/IP, MQTT, HTTPS, Ubuntu, Snapcraft, IEEE 802.15.4, Raspberry Pi, OAuth 2, MongoDB, JSON, Streaming, Stream Processing, Boost, SSH, Catch2, Makefile, Make, GNU Make, CMake, Amazon Alexa, Python 3, Python 2, Concurrency, Concurrent Computing, WiFi, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Digital Signal Processing, DSP, Voice Recognition, Real-time Audio Processing, ESP32, Memory Management, Memory Leaks, Memory Profiling, Memory Optimization, C++ Memory Model, Performance, Raspbian, Mbed, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Desktop App Design, Multithreading, Data Structures, Design Principles, Design Patterns, Socket Communication, BSD Socket, Socket Programming, Sockets, Profiling, GNU Debugger, Runtime Debugging, Algorithms, Networking, IP Networks, Networks, Debugging, GDB, Valgrind, Debugging Tools, Low-level Programming, Encryption, Client/Server Networking, Computer Networking, Agile, Scrum, GitFlow, GitHub, GitLab, Git Flow, JavaScript, Docker, Operating Systems, Applied Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols


2010 - 2018
Power Electronics Institute
  • 领导航天器电源系统固件的开发. 设计了实时控制器的体系结构.
  • 开发了一个桌面应用程序来跟踪电源控制器的实时测量和健康指标.
  • 管理一个供电系统开发项目. 监督产品交付并与客户沟通.
Technologies: C, C++, Power Electronics, FreeRTOS, TCP/IP, 通用异步收发器(UART), MCU, STM32, PSIM, MATLAB, 实时操作系统(RTOS), Embedded C, Embedded C++, Embedded Systems, GCC, Windows, Qt, Bash, Standard Template Library (STL), Real-time Embedded Systems, Unit Testing, Git, Altium Designer (PCAD), Schematics, HTTP, HTTPS, Ubuntu, IEEE 802.15.4, JSON, SQL, Streaming, Stream Processing, Visual Studio, SSH, Makefile, Make, GNU Make, 电子设计自动化(EDA), EDA, MySQL, Python 3, Python 2, Concurrency, Concurrent Computing, Digital Signal Processing, DSP, ESP32, Memory Management, Memory Leaks, Memory Profiling, Memory Optimization, C++ Memory Model, Performance, Raspbian, Mbed, Direct Memory Access (DMA), CAN Bus, Desktop App Design, Multithreading, Data Structures, Design Patterns, Socket Communication, BSD Socket, Socket Programming, Sockets, Profiling, GNU Debugger, Runtime Debugging, Networking, IP Networks, Networks, Debugging, GDB, Debugging Tools, Low-level Programming, Client/Server Networking, Computer Networking, NVIDIA CUDA, GitFlow, GitHub, GitLab, QML, HTML, CSS, Operating Systems

Junior Electrotechnical Engineer

2008 - 2010
Intellectual Machines
  • 开发电力驱动电源转换器,并参与现场质量测试验证.
  • 设计了高次谐波补偿系统的数字控制器.
  • 开发了一个用于监控和调试嵌入式控制器软件的桌面应用程序.
Technologies: C, MATLAB, Schematics, Altium Designer (PCAD), PSIM, Embedded C, Windows, MCU, Real-time Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, STM32, 通用异步收发器(UART), Visual Studio, SSH, 电子设计自动化(EDA), EDA, MySQL, Digital Signal Processing, DSP, Memory Leaks, Performance, C++, Direct Memory Access (DMA), CAN Bus, Debugging, GDB, Debugging Tools, Low-level Programming, NVIDIA CUDA, GitFlow, GitHub, HTML, CSS, Operating Systems

Smart Collar


我开发了一款嵌入式实时软件,其中包括从基于云的后端基础设施空中下载的自动固件升级等功能, 通过蓝牙与用户的移动应用程序通信, and power management.

HCI Firmware for SSD





设计并实现了自动路由等系统功能, 用于后端的数据完整性控制器, 以及与gui相关的软件部分.

Zigbee Gateway

ZigBee协调器设备作为网关,将低功耗ZigBee设备网络连接到支持ip的网络,以提供物联网基础设施. 该解决方案基于IEEE 802.15.4无线电模块和工业型路由器,由嵌入式Linux驱动.

Smart Fan Assistant

跟踪体育赛事和比赛的智能设备, provides daily reports, 并提供赞助商的促销活动. 我基于亚马逊Alexa语音助手服务创建了几个交互工具.


Bash, C++, C, Embedded C, Embedded C++, UML, Python, SQL, Python 2, Python 3, HTML, Go, QML, CSS, JavaScript


Qt, Boost, OAuth 2


标准模板库(STL), Protobuf, Sockets, Node.js


GCC, Git, PSIM, MQTT, CMake, GNU Make, Make, Makefile, Visual Studio, GDB, Valgrind, GNU Debugger, MATLAB, Altium Designer (PCAD), GitHub, GitLab, Azure IoT Hub




Linux, Bluetooth LE, STM32, Windows, AWS IoT, Embedded Linux, Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, Amazon Alexa, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Raspbian, NVIDIA CUDA, Blockchain, Docker




FreeRTOS, TCP/IP, HTTP, MCU, Real-time Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, 通用异步收发器(UART), 实时操作系统(RTOS), Embedded Systems, Streaming, Stream Processing, Concurrency, Concurrent Computing, EDA, 电子设计自动化(EDA), Catch2, ESP32, DSP, Digital Signal Processing, Memory Management, Memory Leaks, Memory Profiling, Memory Optimization, C++ Memory Model, Performance, Algorithms, Networking, IP Networks, Networks, Debugging, Debugging Tools, Runtime Debugging, Profiling, BSD Socket, Socket Communication, Design Principles, Data Structures, Multithreading, Desktop App Design, CAN Bus, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Mbed, Low-level Programming, Client/Server Networking, Computer Networking, NVMe, Schematics, Wireless Protocols, Zigbee, HTTPS, Snapcraft, IEEE 802.15.4, SSH, WiFi, Real-time Audio Processing, Voice Recognition, Encryption, GitFlow, Git Flow, Operating Systems, Applied Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols

2004 - 2013

PhD in Electrical Engineering


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