Felipe Bernardes, Developer in Sorocaba - State of São Paulo, Brazil
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Felipe Bernardes

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Responsive UI Developer

Sorocaba - State of São Paulo, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
January 15, 2018

Felipe是一名熟练的前端和UI开发人员,对UX以及创建和实现下一代用户界面充满热情. 他在前端开发方面的专业知识是基于对HTML核心概念的广泛理解和实践, CSS, and JavaScript; he has been following these technologies over the past five years, always keeping up to date. He believes that developers, more than lines of code, must always deliver value.


J&J BabyCenter (via Toptal)
DFP API, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML, React, React Hooks, GraphQL, Apollo, Node.js...
Obmedia.com, LLC
HTML Email, Email on Acid, Email Markup, Email Coding, Pixel Perfect...
Translucent Computing
Docker, Jenkins, WordPress, Angular, AngularJS, Swift, YARN, Gulp, Babel...




Preferred Environment

Docker, Slack, Git, Webpack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Oh My Zsh, React, SCSS, iTerm2

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Front-end Developer

2018 - 2021
J&J BabyCenter (via Toptal)
  • 拥有BabyCenter前端代码库的维护和发展,以及使用PWA等最新技术的新项目的实现, React/Hooks, GraphQL, and Next.js.
  • 与GTM、AWS和Snowplow/Google Analytics等服务进行第三方集成.
  • Implemented a modern image optimization framework, including features like lazy-loading images, optimized image sizes and formats, fallback images, smooth UI/UX user transition, and graceful error handling.
  • 监督产品发布,查看日志,并确保一切顺利交付给最终用户.
  • Researched, identified, and wrote front-end optimization backlog stories.
  • 提供维护和改进遗留代码库(基于Java和PHP技术),同时将它们转换为新领域, new codebase based on React, Node.js, Next.js, Apollo, and GraphQL.
  • Performed Google Core Web Vitals optimizations around FCP, CLS, and other new metrics for SEO and performance.
  • Implemented pixel-perfect, from Sketch and Zeplin designs to React, HTML, and CSS using Styled Components, SCSS, and Material UI.
技术:DFP API, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML, React, React Hooks, GraphQL, Apollo, Node.js, Java, Spring, PHP, Next.js, Sass, Styled-components, Material UI

Senior Front-end Developer | Email Template Implementation

2019 - 2019
Obmedia.com, LLC
  • Implemented around 60 email templates, from design to pixel perfection, over the course of six months, including CSS pixel perfection implementations, responsive emails, eventual corner-cases fixes specific to the device and clients' email.
  • 使用EmailOnAcid专业测试工具在各种设备和电子邮件客户端上测试我的实现,以确保最佳覆盖率. Also, fixed eventual corner cases specific to devices and/or email clients.
  • 预期实现限制(与特定的电子邮件客户端和/或设备相关),并与设计团队协调,在设计和实现之间找到最佳的基础, while keeping the largest device and email client coverage.
Technologies: HTML Email, Email on Acid, Email Markup, Email Coding, Pixel Perfect, PSD to HTML, Email Templates, Litmus

Senior Front-end Developer

2017 - 2018
Translucent Computing
  • 为儿童和青少年癌症患者和他们的医生开发了一个用户友好的网络应用程序, helping them keep track of the status/symptoms, providing them insights for better treatment. Technologies included JavaScript (ES6), Chart.js, and WordPress.
  • 创建了一个用于零售或个人对个人交易和转售的汽车估值iOS原生应用,从Sketch的UI设计到Swift的实现.
  • Refactored old web apps which had JavaScript files of more than 2,000 lines of code, solved uncaught bugs, and improved the app's maintainability.
  • 建议并领导每周的闪电技术会谈,以鼓励开发人员之间的知识共享.
Technologies: Docker, Jenkins, WordPress, Angular, AngularJS, Swift, YARN, Gulp, Babel, ECMAScript (ES6), JavaScript, SCSS, Sass, CSS, Pug, HTML

Independent Developer

2013 - 2018
Freelancer Web Developer
  • Served as a front-end freelancer developing web and mobile apps.
  • 设计和开发我自己的个人网站,从草图到像素完美的实现.
  • 为拥有最新JavaScript技术和良好实践的现代化团队提供现场速成课程.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, JavaScript

Full-stack Web Developer

2015 - 2017
  • 参与超过11个不同的项目,包括财务部门, retail, eCommerce, and events, from the start through shipping and maintenance.
  • Developed GO, a product made by Tegra. Besides coding, 我已经在其客户端实现了该产品,并在GO的移动应用程序的概念中担任UI设计师. Technologies used include Angular, NativeScript, Vue.js, Java, and C#.
  • Founded and contributed to Tegra OSS organization's projects on GitHub.
  • Structured and developed the internship program and trained interns. In my time there, I trained six interns and hired four of them, which turned out to be great developers nowadays.
  • Implemented Scrum best practices on development teams, teaching and improving the company Scrum activities.
  • Directly managed our interns, from onboarding through their projects, on daily meetings, weekly plannings, code reviews, and performance reviews.
Technologies: Docker, Jenkins, C#, Java, Ionic, Python, Django, Node.js、Vue、AngularJS、NativeScript、ECMAScript (ES6)、JavaScript、SCSS、Sass、CSS、Pug、HTML

Front-end Developer

2013 - 2015
Going2 Mobile
  • Designed and coded Carrorama's website. Carrorama is the main app of Going2 Mobile.
  • Created rich UI prototypes for mobile apps using Sketch and Photoshop, maintaining and evolving the design guidelines.
  • 在两个项目中实现并管理了DoubleClick for Publishers-DFP(前Google Dart),并在另外三个正在进行的项目中管理和增强了它.
  • 重构了前端项目中的许多API调用,使它们更快,并为用户提供无阻塞的体验.
  • 在Google Blog和Google Academy学习了DFP(双击出版商)的最佳实践.
  • Set up and improved header bidding on DFP following best practices.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, SCSS, Sass, CSS, HTML

Felipe Bernardes | Personal Website

This is my personal website, designed and handcrafted by me. There you can read more about my career timeline and my side projects.

iDS App

iDS is a medical diagnostics institute from Brazil. 我设计并开发了他们的应用——从最初的草图到执行,再到发布到App Store.

App Store link: http://apps.apple.com/in/app/ids-instituto-de-diagn%C3%B3sticos/id1459203039

GO - Retail Operations Management (Mobile and Web App)

GO is a product for managing and improving retail operations, 通过向运营商提供机器学习驱动的移动应用程序,并通过网络和移动应用程序向管理人员提供决策驱动的指标.

I was part of the concept & development team of the app, and acted as a frontend and mobile developer. Besides this, I also implanted the product on client's operations, following up users and improving the product UX.

Tegra Website

Tegra is a development consulting company based on Sorocaba, Brazil. I designed and implemented their modern, blazing fast, and responsive website.

Eduqa.me Website

I designed & implemented Eduqa.me website.

Eduqa.me is a Brazilian startup on children education area. 他们的产品是一个网络应用程序,帮助学校负责人了解学校教育/活动的进展情况, 一个强大的工具,教师分享他们最好的课程和活动在学校. The app also follows up on each child educational development.

SorocabaCSS Website

SorocabaCSS is a front-end local community of inner Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Besides developing the website, I'm part of the meet up organization.

We always seek to create inclusive, 邀请聚会,通过提供所有技术级别的培训和讲座,帮助人们了解前端开发.

Carrorama Website

Carrorama是车队控制和汽车维修跟踪的系列产品. I've designed and implemented it's website, keeping the product visual identity.

使用的技术/工具包括DFP,标头投标,SCSS, Bootstrap和Sketch

PagFarma Mobile and Web App (1st place @ GS1 Brazil Hackathon)

I spent 48 hours during a hackathon, as part of a team, designing and developing a product called PagFarma, winner of GS1 Brazil Hackathon.

Besides designing and developing, I also presented and pitched the product.


Abroad (Indoor Location Web App)

Abroad is a solution for indoor messaging & physical precise location based on Cisco Meraki technologies.

它是为了帮助自然灾害的恢复和寻找幸存者而开发的, but can also be used as an indoor marketing tool.

We developed this webapp in 48h at 2016 edition of HackZurich, the biggest EU hackathon, alongside 600+ other people.

CodePen UI/Front-end Experiments

You can check out my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript creative experiments in CodePen.

There, you'll find my animations, UI snippets, and typography experiments.

Tech Speaker

I'm a tech speaker at Brazilian communities. I've been sharing what I know with others since 2015. It's my give-back, 因为我通过参加各种社区的聚会学到了很多东西,提高了我的个人和职业生活.

You can check out my talks at my speakerdeck page.

Interviewer at Por Trás do Código

Por Trás do Código is a YouTube Channel I maintain alongside two friends, Celso Wo and Gabriel Jacquier.

There, 我们采访技术领域的专业人士,根据受访者的个人和职业生活经验,为观众带来创造性的见解.

Writer and Translator at EntryLvl

EntryLVL is an open source blog I have alongside five friends.




SCSS, HTML, ES7, Markdown, Pug, Sass, CSS, JavaScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Swift, Java, C#, PHP, GraphQL, SQL, Python


Frameworkless, Ionic, AngularJS, Materialize, NativeScript, YARN, Vanilla JS, Bulma, Bootstrap, Express.js, Angular, React Native, Django, Koa, Hapi.js, Spring, Next.js, Material UI


React, LocalStorage, HTML5 APIs, Chart.js, Flexbox, jQuery, DFP API, Web Audio API, HTML5 Canvas, Node.js, Vue


Zsh, Atom, NPM, Gulp, Sketch 3, UX Tools, Git, Litmus, Sequelize, Webpack, Photoshop CC, ITerm, Slack, Babel, Jenkins, Subversion (SVN), Email on Acid, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Oh My Zsh


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Agile, DRY, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Functional Programming, Scrum, Unit Testing, Domain-driven Development, Object-oriented Programming (OOP)


iOS, MacOS, Linux, Docker, WordPress, Mailgun, Heroku, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


HTML5 Animations, Header Bidding, Pixel Perfect, Sketch to HTML, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), CSS3 Animation, Google Material Design, CSS Grid, Mobile First, Responsive UI, User Experience (UX), Front-end Development, HTML Email, Email Templates, Monitoring, React Hooks, Email Markup, Email Coding, PSD to HTML, Apollo, Styled-components, iTerm2


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, MySQL

2013 - 2017

Technologist in Information Systems

Fatec Sorocaba - Sorocaba, Brazil

2015 - 2015

Specialization in Front End Development

Caelum - Sao Paulo, Brazil


Front-end Specialist


Collaboration That Works

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