Kevin Bloch, Developer in Bergerac, France
Kevin is available for hire
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Kevin Bloch

Verified Expert  in Engineering

JavaScript Developer

Bergerac, France
Toptal Member Since
January 31, 2017

PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Perl, and Haxe are among Kevin's specialties, 但是,自从他在小学开始对编程技术产生兴趣以来,他已经接触过许多编程技术. 他的大部分职业生涯都是作为桌面和全栈开发人员, 但他最喜欢关注的领域是项目管理, back-end technologies, and game development. 他独自努力工作,但也喜欢成为团队的一员.


HubSpot, Asana, REST api,前端,HTML5 api,后端...
pgAdmin, REST api, PL/pgSQL, SQL,后端,Flyway, Docker, Bash, Amazon EC2...
In the Beginning was the Word Game
后端,快捷,Godot, Inkscape, Audacity, Blender, Linux, OS X, Windows...




Preferred Environment

Git, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...我写的web堆栈为任何表生成了一个外键感知UI, on the fly, from a PostgreSQL DB schema. The back-end audited each table automatically.

Work Experience

Senior Editor (Publications Team)

2017 - PRESENT
  • 撰写、格式化、编辑和发布博客文章、匿名指南和其他网站内容.
  • Prepared and sent newsletters.
  • Recruited and coordinated with authors.
  • 集思广益,并与设计团队协调插图.
  • Applied SEO research to articles.
  • Helped execute social media outreach plans.
  • Streamlined procedures and checklists.
  • Added integration automation to the pipeline.
Technologies: HubSpot, Asana, REST api,前端,HTML5 api,后端, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Inkscape, JavaScript, Google Apps Script, Google Sheets, Salesforce Einstein, LaTeX, MathJax, Slack, Trello, kramdown, Google Docs

Senior Back-end Developer - Node.js

2017 - 2018
  • 维护、扩展和伸缩后端和数据库.
  • Managed DevOps processes.
  • Did code reviews.
  • 与前端开发人员协调后端API更改.
  • Implemented the back-end test suite.
Technologies: pgAdmin, REST api, PL/pgSQL, SQL,后端,Flyway, Docker, Bash, Amazon EC2, OpenShift, Apiary API, PostGIS, Chai, Mocha, JavaScript, ReactiveX, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Node.js

Indie Developer

2015 - 2016
In the Beginning was the Word Game
  • Created two very basic Android apps.
  • Built two games for Ludum Dare game jams (i.e., very rapid development).
  • Designed, developed, blogged and tweeted about, directed, tested, published, 并推广了一款商业视频游戏,同时为正在使用的开源技术贡献bug和功能补丁.
  • Open-sourced my own library, FlxScrollableArea.
Technologies: 后端,快捷,Godot, Inkscape, Audacity, Blender, Linux, OS X, Windows, FlashDevelop, HaxeFlixel, HaXe

Linux Server Administrator/Automation Developer

2015 - 2015
Stepping Stone GmbH
  • 为各种客户端项目提供KVM服务器(Linux和Windows), 每个都涉及从克隆的虚拟机设置服务器, updating the internal wiki, configuring Zabbix host monitoring, and customizing Iptables-based firewall scripts. 一些项目还涉及数据库和应用程序后端设置, 为客户创建简化/美化的文档, and VM template maintenance.
  • Provisioned web hosting, mail accounts, backup accounts, 以及自己的云服务器——根据不同客户的要求进行设置和管理.
  • 帮助在机架服务器上安装新的RAID驱动器并移除旧的.
  • 通过编写bash脚本自动更改200多个服务器的DNS设置和防火墙,从MediaWiki页面提取服务器数据,并在每个运行的基于linux的物理服务器上自动执行DNS和防火墙更新脚本, vServer, and KVM server.
  • 优化了维护窗口通知器并开发了功能—使用来自LDAP的数据优化和扩展了Perl脚本,用于导出和发送预定的提醒电子邮件.
  • 通过对机架服务器和交换机进行物理盘点,更新新购买的交换机上的固件,以及从旧硬件配置web服务器以在迁移期间显示消息,帮助准备主机托管迁移.
  • 通过卸载机架硬件来帮助物理主机迁移, moving it, organizing it for most efficient reinstall, reinstalling it, and reconnecting cables.
Technologies: Back-end, LibreOffice, SSH, Templates, MediaWiki, PHP, Windows Server, Remote Desktop, OwnCloud, Iptables, Bash, Vi, Terminal, GitHub, Subversion (SVN), Spiceworks, SugarCRM, Alfresco, DNS, LDAP, GlusterFS, NFS, Ubuntu, Gentoo, CentOS, Quick EMUlator (QEMU), KVM

Project Manager and Full-stack Software Engineer

1996 - 2015
Brant Aero
  • Added a number of features, including a drag-n-drop image uploader, 组请求提交的“待定”特性, 具有全文索引和模糊文本搜索股票项目的历史搜索功能, Facebook-style homepage notifications, and more, to a purchase request system.
  • 创建了一个政府外联网,供检查员批准政策手册的修订.
  • Enabled cache support for hangar floor parts, 在保持政府可追溯性要求和供应水平监控的同时,减少前往仓库的次数.
  • 修复、清理并提供临时数据库的数据恢复和性能调优. 生成网络攻击跟踪图,自动从路由器导入数据.
  • Implemented several features, 包括一个文档层次结构编辑器,并在CMS中添加了拖放功能, 一个由Docker托管的第三方问题跟踪解决方案, 和cronjobs来帮助捕获供应商错误,并使用集成的权限层次结构通知相关的管理人员.
  • 使内部网应用程序的核心功能在主要第三方系统中断时健壮.
  • Ported PartTake from VB to mod_perl, 包括条形码和地址打印(提供通过URL方案和rundll32解决方案在Windows上及时自动切换打印机).
  • Staged a build system with unit testing, minification, performance testing, and integration testing with integrated QA.
  • 将备份系统升级为跨平台多服务器使用.
  • 增加了一个由第三方公告板软件支持的网站部分,并创建了一个用于个人项目管理的自动图像重命名和上传工具.
  • 建立了一个停电跟踪图,自动从UPS导入数据. 为商店订单更新的可选UI添加了经过身份验证的检查跟踪.
  • Created a couple of backup systems, 包括HyperV环境的解决方案和备份, verification, 并以恢复方案取代旧的基于磁带的系统.
  • Designed, wrote, 维护PartTake软件系统,以简化库存流程,同时满足政府严格的可追溯性要求,并与现有库存系统及其时钟配合使用, tool tracking, and purchase ordering integrations. 随附条形码和地址标签打印机,从现有系统中绘制相关数据并配置GUI工具.
  • 为购买请求系统启用了供应商购买电子邮件模板.
  • Implemented honors-system workstation sharing, 允许在不同的选项卡上进行不同的登录,而不会混淆凭证(参见http://stackoverflow).Com/a/1133999/16777 -有时相当独特的商业环境涉及到非正统的解决方案).
  • 监督并协助一名会计的数据迁移, inventory, and shop order system from DOS to SQL/Windows.
  • 设计了一个名为DialAKneeThing (DaKT)的新内部网菜单系统的原型, 一个开源的单页应用程序,用最少的JavaScript/CSS在低端硬件上呈现基本的菜单层次结构.
  • Redesigned a number of websites, 包括一个网站和相应的脚本,以自动更新本地飞行员天气信息, and vectorized its company logo; a website and wrote/edited material for the Save the Airport local political campaign; a website to be fast-loading and able to fit on a floppy disk; a website to feature a new aircraft sales section; a website with dynamic content and search functionality; and a website with featured past projects and auto-updated weather map overlayed onto the company's precise location.
  • 撰写并执行IT政策,对年终流程进行分析和改进,并进行调研, revised, and helped implement, organize, and conduct the company process audit.
  • 建立了一个NS和ie兼容的网站和相应的Windows GUI页面文本更新工具.
  • 创建营销材料,向我们的第三方利基行业综合会计系统的其他用户销售PartTake.
  • 从零开始开发自定义cms,自动遵循政府法规更新, 只通知需要审核的相关内部文件(及其内部依赖关系)的相关内部方. 所有监管环节保持一致的自动更新格式, 审查和审计策略由数据库触发器执行.
  • 评估了Andromeda作为内部网应用的潜在平台.
  • Implemented the UI for a SQL backup manager. 从头开始用常用的SQL报告重写一个内部网应用程序,以加快速度并弥补功能差距.
  • 将一个域从Windows 2003 AD迁移到Samba 4.
  • 监督服务器和工作站系统从Novell Netware到Windows 2000 AD的迁移.
  • 重构店铺订单工作流以简化使用, testing, and maintenance; integrated a fast menu UI library (both keyboard and touchscreen friendly).
  • 内置数据库开发工具:一个PostgreSQL函数体搜索器,用于全局重命名, a GraphViz-based foreign key map generator, and more.
  • 通过统计过程控制图和输出比较创建服务器运行状况指标, with email notification.
  • 开发一个智能排序表视图UI,使零件号最终按照传统的物理方式排序, 即使是更复杂的数字-字母-数字等等. scenarios.
  • 扩展了店铺订单UI,以涵盖比第三方系统提供的更多功能, 并增加了项目总结验证工具,以避免高峰活动错误.
  • 集成政府提供的飞机注册数据库,方便客户信息更新.
  • 将采购请求系统从纸质系统迁移到电子邮件系统, and then later from email to database, integrated with the existing intranet app. 编写了一个VB5实用程序,以加快将旧文档扫描到新的无纸化系统的过程.
  • 构建了与内部网应用程序集成的Dogfooded任务/项目管理功能.
  • Created Widgetissimo, 一个最初基于jquery的插件项目,用于改进用户体验,重点是表单自动保存和键盘功能.
  • 为商店订单更新开发了一个替代UI,以方便用户/提高工作流程速度, including time tracker UI replacement, with RTF to HTML (and back) conversion, and HTML editor UI (cross-database).
  • 将定时培训公告系统与CMS集成在一起,以强制在管理员指定的间隔内重新阅读更新的部分.
  • 将主要的会计系统版本(包括所有必需的更改)迁移到本地附加组件.
  • 为HyperV环境中的SQL和文件系统数据开发了灾难恢复.
  • Integrated a website with Blogger.Com允许仓库经理自己更新特别优惠页面.
  • 研究、构建、设置和管理一个新的Linux服务器和拨号连接共享. 将内网应用和调度脚本从Windows迁移到Linux.
  • 为购买请求系统开发了可拖动的保存排序的多选,用于快速组合复杂的选择(接近模拟Windows资源管理器的行为,以方便用户学习曲线).
  • 集成了一个航空电子存储箱跟踪和替换纸张系统与项目管理UI和供应商数据库.
  • 使用与纸质程序集成的提交钩子减轻潜在的灾难,以保持有效地处理IT服务中断的最新计划. 写了一篇介绍论文,讲述如何访问电子文档的多个自动备份.
  • Researched, designed, 并通过集成基准测试实现了智能规范化数据库设计自动生成的数据库视图. The database features manager, employee, 和个性化的数据库视图(如适用),具有自动生成的UI和表,可以自动链接到每行的编辑页面和行中任何引用的外键的编辑页面. 编辑页面保存部分填写的表单,以防止客户端的数据丢失, server, or connection problems.
  • 通过智能同步为第三方应用程序开发全文搜索索引,以零预算大幅提高速度.
  • Integrated company role hierarchy with the CMS for training so that document updates trigger a notification to exactly the right employee to read changes; an automatic org chart generator is based on this data to fulfill a requirement for maintaining the policy manual.
  • 将Selenium IDE集成到大多数常见任务的QA过程中,以防止回归.
Technologies: Apache HTTP Server, pgAdmin, REST APIs, HTML5 APIs, SQL, Back-end, Front-end, Full-stack, DocBook, Windows, Linux, XSLT, Cygwin, SSH, Rsnapshot, CentOS, Selenium, Mercurial, Subversion (SVN), pgTAP, PL/pgSQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, VBScript, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Regex, Perl, Apache, Bash

National Operations and Accounts Administrator

2011 - 2012
Global Youth Volunteer Network
  • 将网站迁移到新的提供商,并将内容迁移到WordPress.
  • 维护和扩展了一个基于web的会计系统——本地开发的,没有文档(PHP, MySQL).
  • Migrated Core Data to CiviCRM.
Technologies: SQL, Back-end, Front-end, Full-stack, Windows, WordPress, CiviCRM, MacOS, Python, PHP, MySQL


2002 - 2002
  • Rebuilt Windows workstations, wrote technical documentation and procedures, organized documents and spare hardware, troubleshot Windows desktop and server issues, and managed desktop virus scanner updates.
  • 下班后重新整理了相当于200根网线的意大利面,以避免服务中断.
  • 在我的最后一天用PHP写了一个简单的信息服务生成器.
Technologies: PHP, HTML, MacOS, Linux, Windows

Wrote all code (Haxe, plus helper scripts in CMD and Bash), processed audio and art, directed voice recordings, and tested, published, and marketed the game. Available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

PartTake (Streamlined Stockroom Process)
PartTake is a small, zero-learning-curve, 但非常方便的开放仓库程序,为公司使用地平线商业概念的TotalFBO®(版本4), 5, or 6).

编写于2004年(在VB5),并维护到2014年, 当我用Perl/HTML/JS/CSS将它移植到Brant Aero的主要内联应用程序时.

这是我从零开始研发的一个克隆人, AI保证玩家总是尽可能倒霉.

(《欧博体育app下载》是一款古老的棋盘游戏,玩家需要猜测密码序列. 每次猜测都会得到部分反馈,帮助玩家推断出代码.)

Wrote the challenge in Perl.

DialAKneeThing is a lightning-fast, exploration-based hierarchy viewer, 它可以从个人书签扩展到大型企业网站导航页面/网站地图的替代品.

Initial code and idea author. JavaScript/CSS.

我很荣幸能在这个平台上用我几十年的经验来指导其他程序员. 在我把注意力转移到其他地方之前,我只通过这种方式与几个人建立了联系, 但是帮助人们调试他们的项目是很棒的.

JavaScript L-System Interpreter
用JavaScript编写的L-System解释器,并使用当时新出现的HTML5 Canvas技术.

Sole author. 自成立以来一直未维护,但截至2019年仍在运行.

Video Game Modding Framework

An unofficial, 为游戏Word Realms创建和安装mod的跨平台界面.

Wrote it (in Bash) and maintained it so far.

TDD Practice Projects TDD practice projects.

Forked basic Node.然后使用TDD开发了几个小项目.

Scrollbar Library for HaxeFlixel

I'm the sole author at this point.

ActionScript3 Bytecode Hacks

(并非源代码中显示的所有字节码都是我的工作-这是补丁后的结果. But the hacks themselves I did without help.)

52卡拾取2000 (Win/Mac/Linux, 3D,开源)
开玩笑地向经典问答游戏“你不知道杰克”致敬," for Ludum Dare 37, 我使用Godot Engine和GDScript在一个周末制作了这款跨平台3D游戏, which I had never used before, and released the source online.

Need Inspiration — Basic Android App
这个应用程序随机配对单词(名词和形容词都可以), in "make" mode, or a verb with an adverb, 在“do”模式下),并将它们作为短语呈现给您, 目的是你可以用这些随机的短语作为故事的灵感, product, name, and more.

I'm the sole author.

Anticolonias (HTML5, Flash)
在Haxe中花了几天时间为《欧博体育app下载》编写游戏. 对于jam游戏来说有太多的策略和故事深度,但我还是做到了. Art is, notably, procedurally generated.

Video Game Translation Framework

如何使用Word Realms帮助学习另一种语言:使用跨平台Bash和Perl编写的帮助脚本的非官方指南.

Wrote it and maintained it so far. 用它来创建word- domains -mods,这样感兴趣的用户就有了预先打包的翻译,而不需要使用这个工具.

App Launcher for Alternative OS
Full-screen app launcher I made in C++ for BeOS. 截至2014年仍在Haiku (BeOS的开源替代品)上工作.

Mentor with an Online Freelance Agency

指导不同经验水平的程序员,处理不同复杂程度的项目. 没有改变的是,他们在一起解决问题的短暂时间里是多么开心——尽管, in some cases, 我对他们使用的一些特殊技术也很陌生.


JavaScript, Perl, HaXe, SQL, HTML5, PL/pgSQL, Markdown, TypeScript, REBOL, CSS3, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Bash Script, Visual Basic, Regex, Bash, VBScript, XSLT, DocBook, HTML, Python, Google Apps Script, C, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, C++, Sass, PHP, Ruby, XML/XSLT, Flash ActionScript, Java


pgTAP, Mithril.. js, FeathersJS, Svelte, Selenium, Android SDK, Express.js, Windows PowerShell, Ember.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Bootstrap, AngularJS, Django


HTML5 APIs, REST APIs, Node.. js、Mod_perl、React、jQuery、ReactiveX、Pure CSS、ImageMagick、Chai、Apiary API、MathJax、Backbone.js, OpenFL


Mercurial, Apache HTTP Server, Inkscape, GitHub, Audacity, Bitbucket, pgAdmin, Cygwin, Hyper-V, LibreOffice, Vagrant, Git, KVM/Qemu, Postman, PhpMyAdmin, Apache, Subversion (SVN), Rsnapshot, Alfresco, SugarCRM, Spiceworks, Terminal, FlashDevelop, Mocha, Flyway, Google Docs, Trello, Slack, Salesforce Einstein, Google Sheets, Flash, Asana, LaTeX, Blender, MediaWiki


Test-driven Development (TDD), Samba, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Testing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), DevOps


Linux, Windows, HaxeFlixel, Linux Mint, CentOS, Docker, BeOS, LAMP, Godot, OpenShift, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, WordPress, KVM, Quick EMUlator (QEMU), Ubuntu, Windows Server, OS X, Amazon EC2, Android, CiviCRM, iOS


SQL Server Management Studio, Microsoft SQL Server, JSON, PostgreSQL, MySQL, PostGIS, GlusterFS, OwnCloud, MongoDB


Full-stack, RSync, AS3 Bytecode, Selenium IDE, Front-end, Back-end, Data Extraction, Proofreading, Documentation, Writing & Editing, Objects, Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Microsoft 365, LDAP, HTTPS, SSH, Gentoo, NFS, DNS, Vi, Iptables, Remote Desktop, Templates, Shotcut, kramdown, Games, HubSpot

2005 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics


2003 - 2005

向全球研究和数学(辅修科目:计算机科学)文学学士学位(荣誉)迈进, Philosophy, Religion and Culture)



Basic Principles of Quality Assurance

The DTI Training Consortium Inc.


Basic Auditing Principles

The DTI Training Consortium Inc.